Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

A blog of collections of quizzes/surveys, for the bored and empty-hearted. You would expect my profile and name to be here but you can find those here in the quizzes.
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Enough said, enjoy! (:


The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

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“life will be better in spring”
20 November 2010// 21 November 2010// 22 November 2010// 23 November 2010// 24 November 2010// 25 November 2010// 26 November 2010// 27 November 2010// 01 December 2010// 02 December 2010// 05 December 2010// 06 December 2010// 07 December 2010// 08 December 2010// 18 December 2010// 19 December 2010// 20 December 2010// 25 December 2010// 22 January 2011// 23 January 2011// 25 January 2011// 26 January 2011// 27 January 2011// 28 January 2011// 29 January 2011// 31 January 2011// 02 February 2011// 03 February 2011// 04 February 2011// 11 February 2011// 14 February 2011// 15 February 2011// 19 February 2011// 20 February 2011// 23 February 2011// 25 February 2011// 21 March 2011// 22 March 2011// 23 March 2011// 26 March 2011// 07 April 2011// 06 May 2011// 22 May 2011// 23 May 2011// 24 May 2011// 29 May 2011// 30 May 2011// 01 June 2011// 17 June 2011// 18 June 2011// 20 June 2011// 17 July 2011// 24 July 2011// 31 July 2011// 07 November 2011// 08 November 2011// 10 November 2011// 11 November 2011// 01 February 2012//

Either or, Neither nor, Daniel or :D
Saturday, November 27, 2010 || 2:43:00 PM

Coke or Pepsi?
Pepsi! It's so nice.

Regular pool or heated pool?
Heated Pool (: (Jacuzzi! :D)

Hot tea or ice tea?
Iced tea (: But tea break should always be Hot Tea :D

Sunflower or daisy?
Sunnnn-flower :D

Red rose or pink rose?
Red (: Pink just looks weird on roses o.o

Salt or pepper?

Red or Green Apple?
Red Apple. Green's sour, only for juices (x

Red or Blue?
Blue Fleming! :D

Christmas or Thanksgiving?
Christmas (X Presents! :D

Pink or Green?
Green (:

Hamburger or Hotdogs?
Hamburgers :D

Music or Movies?
Movies :D

Heaven or hell?
Heaven! (duhhhh)

Comedy or horror?
Comedy. But horror in bigbig groups are epic awesome :D

aol or aim?
Don't know what you talking ._.

Ipod or mp3?
Ipod lar! Ipod touch! :D

Purse or backpack?
Backpack :D

Myspace or bebo?
Blogger? o.o

Parisian or Sears?
You're losing me, don't get you.

Paris or France?
Isn't Paris in France?! Haha so France, more area.

Milky Way or Sneakers?
Milky Way omg! :D

Vanilla or Chocoloate?
Vanilla (: I like chocolate itself only, but not chocolate-flavored stuff :/

Phone or Internet?
Internet (: But preferably BOTH :D

Steak or Shrimp?
Shrimppp (x Both also nice lar xD Foood

School or Work?
Schoool!! :D

too many weirdos for your own bad.
|| 2:28:00 PM


Given a Hickey?
"A hickey is actually broken blood vessels beneath the skin. It's sort of like a bruise"
Uh I don't think I did before ._.

Had a one night stand?

Made someone cry?
Maybe? Perhaps (x

Opened your Christmas presents early?
Heh, yes. But nowadays hardly get Xmas presents ler ): Parents said to rip off that practice. Bleh.

Been online for more than 10 hours in a row?
Lol, that's normal what xD Holidays now anyway :/

Pretended to be someone you weren't online?
Haha yupzx. Prank loh :x

Eaten food that fell on the floor?
Heh, sometimes. At home only thou, only trust home grounds xP

Been caught cheating?
Haha nursery school! I cheated for 壁画 测验 xD I young cheat le omg. What am I?!

Been caught naked?
That wasn't my fault. But lucky that was still, sorta young. Like P4 -.- My cousin just opened the toilet doors. Wth, I don't even know why it wasn't locked properly.

Flashed someone?

Gone out without underwear on?

Got into a fist fight?
I don't think so o.o

Swallowed bath water?

Peed in the pool?
I don't swim! (:

Thrown up in public?
Prolly, like at clinic? o.o

Been so drunk you can't walk?
Nopes (:

Peed in public?
Nuhhhhhh! But who knows, maybe at the age of 1 i did (:

Broken wind and blamed someone else?

Done something mean you regretted?
Yes :/

Played pull my finger?
"People use that phrase when they're about to pass gas/fart" -Yahoo Answers
No. Who plays such things. Omg you weirdo.

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There must be a reason.
|| 2:10:00 PM

Fill out this fun 20 Strange Random Questions Survey and then share it with your friends on facebook, myspace or anywhere else.

In a elevator would you tap someone on the shoulder and pretend it was not you?
Haha why not? Like wonky xD

What is your pet name?
Last time, longlong ago. I remember our 3 pet tortises were called Heaven, Earth, Mud/Moss. Heh xD

Do you shower daily?
Uhhuh, don't you?

Have you given anyone a patriotic wedgey?
Nope. I had to google that meaning lol, we're not evil :D

How old is your mom?
I actually don't know. 40+ o.o I think :p

If you had the chance to stick a bunch of cherry bombs in a toilet, would you?
Are they food or bombs? o.o

How would you like to die?
Of old age, with no sickness! :D

Have you been run over in the last year?

If not, would you like to be?

What was your hottest teachers name?
Uh, primary school PE teachers xD I forgot thou. Heh.

Do you whish you could fly?
Yeahyeah :D

How long do you have to live?
Heaven knows.

Where is you favorite place to hide?
In the toilet! Haha.

When was the last time you played tag?
Don't know :/

What is your favorite quote?
"Your mom."

Who would you like to kiss?
Uh, someone I like?

What color would you change the sky to be if you could?
I'll let it stay blue (: Blue's nice :D

What did you last eat?
Seaaweedehhh :D

What would you like to have as your last supper?
Like before I die? Uhm, every delicacy in the world! Must have all old airport road food :D Love the food there. :D

If you could ask god anything, what would it be?
What are we here on Earth for?

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