Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

A blog of collections of quizzes/surveys, for the bored and empty-hearted. You would expect my profile and name to be here but you can find those here in the quizzes.
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Enough said, enjoy! (:


The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

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Layout: hasta mañana
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“life will be better in spring”
20 November 2010// 21 November 2010// 22 November 2010// 23 November 2010// 24 November 2010// 25 November 2010// 26 November 2010// 27 November 2010// 01 December 2010// 02 December 2010// 05 December 2010// 06 December 2010// 07 December 2010// 08 December 2010// 18 December 2010// 19 December 2010// 20 December 2010// 25 December 2010// 22 January 2011// 23 January 2011// 25 January 2011// 26 January 2011// 27 January 2011// 28 January 2011// 29 January 2011// 31 January 2011// 02 February 2011// 03 February 2011// 04 February 2011// 11 February 2011// 14 February 2011// 15 February 2011// 19 February 2011// 20 February 2011// 23 February 2011// 25 February 2011// 21 March 2011// 22 March 2011// 23 March 2011// 26 March 2011// 07 April 2011// 06 May 2011// 22 May 2011// 23 May 2011// 24 May 2011// 29 May 2011// 30 May 2011// 01 June 2011// 17 June 2011// 18 June 2011// 20 June 2011// 17 July 2011// 24 July 2011// 31 July 2011// 07 November 2011// 08 November 2011// 10 November 2011// 11 November 2011// 01 February 2012//

Day Two: Nine things about yourself.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011 || 9:07:00 PM

1. I get easily pissed,
like especially over Bridge and some incompetent partner (like wong) anyhow bids and drags me into the water. Yes, I get pissed over cards. And I get pissed almost once a day....

2. I have cravings for food every moment,
even when I'm full, I think of what to eat next. And when I am totally stuffed, I'll end up tryig to find sweet drinks to drink. I'm fat and broke, thus.

3. I'm an ultimate sadist.
I don't care about other people's emotions, unless I caused it, then I'll feel hell guilty. Otherwise, whatever you say about someone else ruining your life, it's just dead in me.

4. I secretly like doing homework,
when I can actually do it independently :D I feel accomplished and I don't always feel that in life.

5. I suck at all digital games.
And I admire people who can bother playing games for so long and never feel bored or die in it.

6. I like psychology, and I believe alot in psychicness.
Half of my decisions in my life are purely due to my gut feelings, because I have faith in them :D And sometimes I hope these gut feelings work in examinations..
When I'm happy, it's mostly cause I feel something good is going to happen and not just because something good happened. Vice versa for being moody :P

7. I hate all teachers at least for a moment or so.
And many teachers think I'm rebellious and annoying. And some complain to my parents, and I hate those teachers even more.

8. I classify people alot. I judge people. I study words and expressions people use. I make deductions.
And I mark you.

9. I like blogging.
Cause I feel it's a place I can talk nonstop and you can hate me, but I won't care anyway cause I won't know you're there. But when you stare at me with that i-don't-like-you-face irl, I'll mark you away like in point8, so everything goes back to normal :D

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