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quick, use dig!
Saturday, February 19, 2011 || 9:55:00 AM
Who Likes Butt Fudge?
You! xD
So-would you like to throttle the neck of whoever's voice is behind that 'CONGRATULATIONS, YOU WON' b.s. ads online?
Haha, sometimes. But it's okay cause I usually don't hear them ((:
How 'loud' does your stomach need to get before you feed it?
Really louddddd sometimes )): Haha and it rumbles.
In 5 words, describe the person you last were upset with, & why:
Uncertain with what you want.
How many times have you been searched/frisked/stopped by the police?
None ._.
Did it end in handcuffs?
Nope ((: I'm the guai kid :D
Speaking of CUFFS, do you own the 'play' kind?
Uhh nope (: But I remember Zongyao's pencil case has those teeeeny ones, like for your fingers :D damn cool, and cute! Always played with them during chinese last year :P
I'm not going to ask what you use them for-BLACH!:
? o.o What talking you ._.
When you add new pics, who is most likely to comment them right away?
Uh, no one ): Haha. Idk lol
Name something you're extremely anal/picky about people NOT doing in your home or presence:
Not asking and doing things right away -.-
Describe the way you decorate your place for Halloween (or yourself):
We don't celebrate Halloween in Singapore ): Not many that is...
Name a food that you think is over-rated:
Idk, everything at Western Stall in school xD
Are you 'friends' with any of your ex's current partners?
No ._.
REALLY? Or you honestly their friend, or are you simply stalking/spying?
You're balls.
Favorite game/app to play on your FB/MS is:
Hate facebook!
Would you allow a total stranger into your home if their car broke down and they needed a phone?
Depends on their looks LOL
If it's some haggardly person who look like he didn't shower for months, no. xD
Is your hair the same color as it was when you were born? (All dye jobs aside):
Yeah. Blacko (:
Your parents: do they humiliate you? In what way?
Uh, sometimes. Asking too much from people when what I asked for really isn't that important and I was most of the times making a passing statement :/
Have you ever tried to e-mail a celebrity? If so, who, and what did you say?
LOL no... I don't even think they give people their emails... Do they? o.o
Your last job interview: did you bomb it or ace it?
Uh, my last interview was SC one lol. BOMBED. But it's aint a job anyway, so heck! :D
Have you ever accidentally hit someone's vehicle, and then fled the scene?
LOL no.. not yet maybe hahah. I don't drive (:
LOLLOL I'd remember to try next time ((:
Over-all, how do you think MOST people perceive you? (Not counting the ones who really know you)
I don't really know. I behave really differently in front of many people.
But in front of strangers, when I'm with my friends I think I look kinda bitchy. But if alone I look kinda saddd LOLLOL
Would you say they're accurate perceptions?
I don't know lahhh tsk Haha
Did you pass your driver exam on the first try, or did you have to take it again?
We'll see next time (: If I bother to learn driving LOL I think I won't frankly ahaha
Boy, that's a pisser, isn't it?
Don't know o.o
Is your weather 'bi-polar?
Yes! Singapore's weather has pms! xD
Are you constantly having to refresh your browser page? Why?
Nope ._. Oh, except the stats page for my blog(s) xD
To see the change (if any) in the visitors LOL and to keep me occupied :P
Name someone in your life whom you think has been dealt a REALLY rotten hand in life? BESIDES YOURSELF!
I'll say.. Kinda bad to type their names here LOL ask me personally xD
Do you enjoy scaring little children on Halloween?
LOL I'll like to..
Wow-you are MEAN! HA HA.
Cmon, like you're nice lah! xD
What's the most angry you've ever been in your entire life, what caused it, and how did you react?
Uh, I get angry REAAALLY easily (esp nowadays). But I guess people that cause me to really really throw tandrums and scream/shout/hit (LOL) are like my family xD
Are you aware that gum melts?
No.... o.o They do? O.O
Have you ever Google Earth'd someone's house?
Yes! xD
Who & Why:
My own, cuase it's damn cool to see that dirty roof of ours xD
Which web site would you says has more technical bullshit: FB or MS?
Don't use myspace, so I'll still say facebook. Balls.
And which of these pages did you sign up for FIRST?
^ FB.
Are you a 'scary' person to be around first thing in the morning?
YESYESYESS! I hate having to leave the comfort of my bed and walk out into this dangerous world out here, sometimes left with either too many things or nothing to do ._.
When was the last time you had a 'rolling blackout' (meaning your power flicked off for 2 seonds):
Idk o.o
How would you survive if your power was cut?
Yeah, there's still a phone, and smsing (:
How do you honestly feel about your hometown/the people in it, or your school/classmates?
Singaporeans are nice, mostly (:
Nush people are weird, but nice, but we don't know what we are LOL sometimes i think we're all just waiting to graduate while only the real geniuses get a life.
406-ers are awesome (: But there's all these obvious barriers between us, but sometimes for a moment or two they look kinda nonexistent, but not for long ._.
Name something that happened unexpectedly this week:
Me living past it, is unexpected xD
What's something you'd NEVER complain about!
Having that mansion on the mountain with all facilities and basically everything you'll ever need to live and be entertained :D
What is a 'whore', in your definition, and are you one, or do you know one?
Some bitchy woman and no i hope not. and no i don't think so, unless in tv drama shows LOL
Do you seriously believe in the 2012 theory?
No.... Or I'll have left school now.
You are!
How did your pets get their name? (Or, kids):
Don't have pets ._. Used to have tortises: Sky, Earth, Mud.
Cause sky was clean, earth was green, and mud was darn dirty xD
Are you afraid of attics/basements?
Uhm, not really.They can be nice (: Like vivien's house's attic is like.. COOL.
You lah balls. Keep screaming random things at me-.-
Who, in your immediate family, is most like you, in looks or personality?
I guess my mom, although I don't like the fact that.
Is it super windy today?
Uh, I don't know LOL
How do you deal with bill collectors when you just don't have the cash to pay 'em?
Uh, I don't deal with them ._.
BLAH. I need to eat now. Bye bye, chumps!
Same, I'm eating the wafels :DDD And I'm watching pokemon!
Team rocket and the good guys are working togetheeer! :D
Wow, James is a rich dude. TSKKK.
Labels: onmyself, questions
be serious!
|| 9:36:00 AM
Fill out this fun Controversial Issues Survey and then share it with your friends on facebook, myspace or anywhere else.
Do you think that gay marriage should be legal?
Yes.. If they are happy, why not?
Do you think that gays should be allowed to seve in the military?
Lol, what's the problem with them being there.........
What do you think about people who don't believe in god?
It's okay, it's just a belief. Like you said, 'believe in' ((:
Are you pro life or pro choice?
Both, depends really. Mostly just pro choice, but once I really don't know what to do, I'll just leave it at pro life (x
Do you think we should test on animals?
I guess, otherwise we'll end up testing on humans. Isn't that worse? o.o
But not overly done I think, like they should really really limit it ba, like only use it when they are really really at their final stage of experiments :p
How do you feel about illegal immigration?
Uh, it's okay. But not so much, and so depressing please ):
They're all so darn smart :/
Do you think it is ethical to do stem cell research?
For scientist yes, for us, unless we're becoming scientist, WHY THE HECK?!! tskk :p
Should they get rid of the death penalty?
No.. They did wrong, and plus the jail would be too packed then ._.
Is torture ever acceptable?
What kinda torture? Oo
Should the government have a say on our diets?
No! What balls is that LOL We deserve to eat what we want! :D
Should the alcoholic drinking age be increased or decreased?
Decreased, cmon! Like a few years more matters :p
and plus not like we really really follow rules at home discreetly :p
Should cigarette smoking be banned?
Yes! So damn stinkyyyy )): But I guess some people can't live without it? ._.
Labels: questions
|| 9:29:00 AM
1. Have you ever liked someone who had a girlfriend/boyfriend?No..
2. Have you ever had your heartbroken?
Always lol.
3. Have you ever been out of the country?
Well duh..
4. Have you ever done something outrageously dumb?
Yup (: It's these little retarded moments that make this boring life interesting :p
5. Have you ever been back stabbed by a friend?
I guess.. But nothing serious, we're all still nice ((:
6. Have you ever had sex on the beach?
HAVE YOU?? LOL no lah.
7. Have you ever dated someone younger than you?
Nops ._. I already look damn old to find someone of the same age LOL
8. Have you ever read an entire book in one day?
Yeahhh, in primary school.. When I still bothered to read xP
Labels: onmyself, overdays, questions
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