Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

A blog of collections of quizzes/surveys, for the bored and empty-hearted. You would expect my profile and name to be here but you can find those here in the quizzes.
Labels/Categories are below for your easy reference.
Enough said, enjoy! (:


The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

completingsentences | questions | statements |
alphabetic | limitedwords | photo/music | analysis | overdays |
onmyself | onothers | onsometopic |

I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

Leave: blogger| tumblr| weheartit
Layout: hasta mañana
Banners: reviviscent
Others: (1 | 2)

“life will be better in spring”
20 November 2010// 21 November 2010// 22 November 2010// 23 November 2010// 24 November 2010// 25 November 2010// 26 November 2010// 27 November 2010// 01 December 2010// 02 December 2010// 05 December 2010// 06 December 2010// 07 December 2010// 08 December 2010// 18 December 2010// 19 December 2010// 20 December 2010// 25 December 2010// 22 January 2011// 23 January 2011// 25 January 2011// 26 January 2011// 27 January 2011// 28 January 2011// 29 January 2011// 31 January 2011// 02 February 2011// 03 February 2011// 04 February 2011// 11 February 2011// 14 February 2011// 15 February 2011// 19 February 2011// 20 February 2011// 23 February 2011// 25 February 2011// 21 March 2011// 22 March 2011// 23 March 2011// 26 March 2011// 07 April 2011// 06 May 2011// 22 May 2011// 23 May 2011// 24 May 2011// 29 May 2011// 30 May 2011// 01 June 2011// 17 June 2011// 18 June 2011// 20 June 2011// 17 July 2011// 24 July 2011// 31 July 2011// 07 November 2011// 08 November 2011// 10 November 2011// 11 November 2011// 01 February 2012//

Pin's answers that made me laugh.
Thursday, December 2, 2010 || 8:25:00 PM

Basically, imagine him read the answers out in real life xD Funny okay.

19. Do you donate to charity?
Sometimes. I once bought this bear for like $10. the woman scammed me though. the bear never arrived.

27. How about a mud room?
i'm not shrek.

50. Last thing you spent more than $2000 on?
your cat.

51. Last thing you bought that cost more than $10,000?
I don't even have half that.

52. Do you own a boat?

53. A yacht?
a yacht's a boat.

60. Have you ever modeled?
Haha. In alice's opinion, probably yes.

credits: from Pin's post

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rainbow, rainbow on the wall.
|| 5:18:00 PM

The name you assign to each color must be someone you know and who also knows you.
You cannot repeat the same name.

Red : Nikki
Blue : Nicole
Yellow : Deborah
Green : Myself
Orange : Shi Ni

So cool right :D Haha we're each a color LOL (:

- Results -
Red - Represents the person who you love.
Blue - Represents the person who you seem to have a difficult relationship with.
Yellow - Represents the person who will never forget about you.
Green - Represents the person who you will remember for the rest of your life.
Orange - Represents your true friend.

I think the results are failzx, but I just wanted to post the cool colors part :D

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I'm an A :D
|| 5:04:00 PM

1. You have your own point of view.
Yes....... go to number 2
No....... go to number 8

2.You prefer a star-shaped to a heart-shaped necklace.
Yes....... go to number 3
No....... go to number 9

3. You are not interested in dolls or robots.
Yes.......go to number 4
No....... go to number 11

4.You have little interest in Chinese traditional clothing.
Yes....... go to number 5
No....... go to number 11

5. You have red clothing in your wardrobe
Yes....... go to number 6
No....... go to number 12

6. You would like to apply for a job which requires experience.
Yes....... go to number 7
No....... go to number 13

7. Your friends like to get along with you because you are a reliable person.
Yes.......Type A
No....... Type B

8. You have short hair.
Yes.......go to number 2
No........go to number 15

9. You think your skin complexion is not fair enough.
Yes....... go to number 3
No.......go to number 16

10. Which kind of flowers do you like most?
A. sunflower .......number 14
B. wild chrysanthemum.......number 11

11. You are a conscientious student/employee.
Yes.......go to number 5
No.......go to number 17

12. You have no interest in crafts recently.
Yes....... go to number 6
No.......go to number 18

13. You are an easygoing and friendly person.
Yes....... go to number 7
No.......go to number 19

14. You don't mind sleeping together with a group of people of the opposite sex on the same bed.
Yes....... Type A
No.......go to number 20

15. You would choose sports as your major extra-curricular activities.
Yes.......go to number 9
No.......go to number 21

16. You are fond of math and science subjects.
Yes....... go to number 10
No.......go to number 22

17. You like orange more than red.
Yes....... go to number 12
No.......go to number 24

18. You like mountains more than oceans.
Yes.......go to number 13
No.......go to number 25

19. Whenever someone is better than you at something, you get irritated and uncomfortable.
Yes.......go to number 14
No.......go to number 26

20. You don't mind talking and laughing loudly in the public.
Yes.......Type B
No....... Type C

21. You always tidy up your own room.
Yes.......go to number 16
No.......go to number 28

22. You like watching TV programs related to sports.
Yes....... go to number 23
No.......go to number 29

23. You think pure friendship cannot exist in between opposite sexes.
Yes....... go to number 10
No.......go to number 17

24. You would like to learn cooking.
Yes....... go to number 18
No.......go to number 31

25. You have a lot of interest in the "internet".
Yes....... go to number 19
No.......go to number 32

26. What kind of persons do you favor most?
A. Sporty..................go to number 20
B. Mature..................go to number 39

27. You would like to wear clothes which are specially designed to impress others.
Yes.......Type B
No.......Type D

28. You like dogs more than cats.
Yes.......go to number 22
No.......go to number 34

29. You usually carry perfume when you go out.
Yes.......go to number 30
No.......go to number 35

30. You like the moon more than sun.
Yes....... go to number 23
No.......go to number 24

31. You change your hair style frequently.
Yes....... go to number 25
No.......go to number 37

32. Serving others make you busy.
Yes.......go to number 26
No.......go to number 38

33. Your hair is always untidy.
Yes....... Type C
No.......go to number 27

34. You are afraid of cooking.
Yes.......go to number 29
No.......go to number 35

35. You have quite a lot of ornaments.
Yes.......go to number 36
No.......go to number 37

36. You like shopping during holidays.
Yes....... go to number 37
No.......go to number 31

37. You will go and take a portrait in the future.
Yes.......go to number 32
No.......go to number 38

38. You are not fussy about the pattern and cut of your underwear.
Yes....... go to number 39
No.......go to number 40

39. You have no interest in crafts making.
Yes....... go to number 27
No.......go to number 33

40. You follow the fashion trend on clothes.
Yes.......Type C
No.......Type D

- Analysis -

Type A: Outgoing type
You are an outgoing and cheerful person. Although you can still sometimes get frustrated you get through the hard times easily. Your friendly personality is your strong point in the eyes of the opposite sex, but this makes your partner feel insecure.

Type B: Artistic type
You love caring for others. People find it comfortable talking to you and this enables you to gain their trust. Your personality usually leaves a good impression on those of the opposite sex who are sentimental.

Type C: Lovable type
You are regarded as a little sister/brother in the eyes of the opposite sex. You are usually dependent on others and tend to rely on the opinions of other people. Among the 4 types, your type favors marriage the most. The first impression you give to the opposite sex is your sympathetic appearance and character. This may account for the reason why others are eager to offer you protection and security.

Type D: Charming type
Among the 4 types, your type possesses the most charming beauty. The sexy charm that you possess attracts other people's attention and helps you gain popularity. You are advised to be cautious when other people flatter you too much.

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Oh! Old boredom.
|| 4:43:00 PM

1. Define boredom in your own words:
Something that leads to a lot of walking-around-the-house-doing-nothing, caused mainly due to lack of things to do. Can be positive or negative at times (:

2. Are you bored right now?
To be doing this quiz? Yeap (:

3. What do you usually do when you are bored?
I blog. And lately, I quiz/survey. Like this (x

4. Can you remember a time when you were the bordest you have ever been in your life?
Uhhh, last year holidays were really bad. I think that was one of the worst xP

5. Are weddings boring to you?
Not really. They provide nice food and people wear nice and all nice things make me happy :D

6. List activities that you find boring:
Listening to a talk.
Listening to parents nag.
Listening to teachers nag.
Listening to speeches. (especially principal's. for some reason)
Watching golf on tv.
Watching bad shows.

7. Are you a boring person?
Sort of? Haha. My life is quite typical :/

8. Has anyone ever called you boring?
No ba...

9. Would you get offended if someone told you that you were boring?
Yes... "Can't take criticism" :D

10. Who is the most boring person you know?
Squidward. His life is boring. xD But he's funny.

11. Most boring subject in school?
Chemistry/Chinese (: From this semester, I feel.

12. Is TV a cure for boredom in your opinion?
Sometimes. But desperately want and need more channels! :/

13. Name the most boring family member you have?
My grandma, when she complains to my mom about people.
And my mom, when she teaches me values. :}
I'll prolly become like them, don't you see the trend? It's in the genes :p

14. Longest amount of time you have ever sat and done nothing?
The one I remember was Tuesday, 1hour 30mins on the sofa. Staring at the wall. Skillzx :D

15. What topic bores you?
Something unrelated to me and it's not funny either.

16. Do you draw when you are bored?
Nahh :/

17. Do you cure boredom easily?
Haha yeah. Quizzes? Blogs? (:

18. Do you do these surveys when you are bored, or because you like to?
Both (: And cause there's actually people bothering to read them! Lol! xD

19. The most boring speech you ever sat through was...?
I forgot the name. That time Wednesdays Year3s have those compulsory speeches/talks we have to go for? During Davinci timeslot? Yeah those were bad boring :x

20. Have you ever dated a boring person? If yes, what made them boring?
Nope (:

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Three words, eight letters.
|| 12:08:00 PM

You can only use 3 words to answer the questions

1. How you are feeling right now:
Sort of neutral (:

2. Plans for tomorrow:
Training, Dental, Slack :D

3. Last time you cried:
was like Tuesday.

4. Something you want:
Him to care.

5. You need a:
Wish right now.

6. The water is:
Vital for life! :D

7. The sun is:
Pretty nice now (:

8. Music makes you:
Think a lot.

9. My body is:
my own problem.

10. My love is:
unknown and vexed.

11. When I hate:
I get pissed.

12. My enemy is:
I don't know :/

13. My room needs:
To be existent.

14. You want to eat:
Cause it's lunchtime! :D

15. You want to kiss:
To feel again.

16. You feel like:
There's something more!

17. Your life is like:
Watching the television.

18. Your bathroom is:
Bluish, and normal (:

19. Your dad is:
Funny, nice, weird.

20. Your mom is:
A great chef :D

21. If you could you would:
Control time forever :D

22. How you look today:
Raggish, Tired, Messy.

23. Shadows are:
Formed by light :D

24. School is:
Starting next month :/

25. A teacher...
Someone who teaches

26. A friend...
Someone who cares (:

27. Your job is...
As a student.

28. You have a lot of...
Aspirations, wishes, dreams.

29. Rainbows are...
Colorful and hopeful.

30. You are as old as...
Half of 30! xD

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the end brings a new beginning.
|| 11:17:00 AM

1. Where were you when you rang in the new year for 2010?
Haha, I think at home? :p

2. Have you fallen in love with anyone this year?
Nope. It was from last year ^^

3. Did you have a fight yet with anyone?
Haha prolly (:

4. How has the year been so far for you?
Well it's over. That's all that matters. It was pretty fine, neutral-ish. Stressful at times, but exam period yet so unstressful. Weird? It's over :D

5. Did you graduate this year?
Graduated from Year3! Haha no.

6. Should you have graduated this year?

7. Did you have to go to summer school?
What's that. Like remedial classes during holidays? Haha a few ba.

8. How many new friends did you make this year so far?
How do I count. Seriously! What's with people asking "How many friends you have" LOL

9. Did you lose any friends this year?
Hmm, I don't think so (:

10. 2011 is in just a few more months, how do you feel about that?
It's 1 more month in fact, go read my post today. Lol. Haha.

11. Do you know anyone who got pregnant this year?
Uhh, Li Lina? xD And Lam?

12. Do you know anyone who had a baby this year?
Li Lina prolly giving birth this year xD

13. Did you move this year?
Nope :}

14. How many different people have you kissed this year?
I don't remember.

15. Worst thing that happened this year?
Staying in love with him :x

16. Best thing to happen this year?
Staying in love with him :x (Haha :D)

17. Did you throw a house party yet?
Nope (: Unless you consider people coming over for fun as a party already?

18. Have you gone on a vacation this year?
I forgot if I did at June hols o.o But will be, next week :D

19. Best thing that happened this year?
Staying in love with him :x (Haha :D) (Yes I like repeating answers still :D)

20. Did you finally start a job this year?
Nope. Apparently they were full ):

21. Do you think this year was better, or worse than last year?
Worse. But still okay (:

22. Did you read a book at all this year?
Haha no! Oops xD

23. What do you think of the economy this year?
Fluctuates. But pretty stable now again?

24. What do you dread about 2011?
The teachers. And stress.

25. How do you think you will ring in the 2011 new year?
Uh, what?

26. Have you ever gone to time square for new years?
Where's that.

27. Time goes by so quicky? True or false?

True (:

28. Favorite month so far?
June ba (: Actually November wasn't so bad (: If there was OBS it'll be perfect! We'd still be at OBS now |: Sighhh, why cancel! D:

29. Did you attend any concerts so far this year?
Yupzx (:

30. Do you think the rest of the year will be good or bad?
It's only a month. I have faith in goodness (:

And I got suaned.
|| 10:58:00 AM

How rich are you?

1. Do you own an HDTV?
Nope (:

2. How many inches is the HDTV?
-invalid question-

3. Do you own your home?

Theoretically no, cause it's my parents' xD

4. How many bedrooms does your home have?

Uh, 3? Haha. For sleeping bedrooms.

5. What kind of car do you drive?

Don't drive :D

6. How old are you?

7. Do you have a pool?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

8. Is the pool in ground or above?
-invalid question- But Mansion's going to have it on the ground, like around the house or something, like river, damn cool :D

9. Is your home waterfront?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

10. Water view?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

11. Where do you live (town)?
Singapore! Town? Uh, Paya Lebar? ._.

12. Do you have a jacuzzi?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

13. What kind of computer do you have?

14. Do you own a netbook?
It's like a shared netbook o.o

15. Are you wearing any high end designer clothes right now?
Nope, wearing nicenice rag-ish home clothes now :D

16. Do you own any diamond jewelery?
Nope :D

17. Is your home privately gated?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

18. What are your yearly taxes?
I don't know.

19. Do you donate to charity?

Nope. I do CIP :D Haha.

20. How many cars can fit in your garage?

Don't have garage! :D Mansion's going to have that.

21. Last place you went on vacation?
Uhhhh, why do I not remember a thing ._.

22. Where are you going on vacation next?

23. Do you own a vacation home?
Nope xD

24. Is the money you spend, your money, or someone elses? (Did you earn it yourself?)?
Parents' :p Nope, don't earn it myself (x

25. Has anyone ever called you spoiled?
Nope (: I don't think so.

26. Do you have a Florida room?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

27. How about a mud room?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

28. How many kitchens in the home?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that. Oops haha, just ctrl c/v xD Uh, ONE.

29. Bathrooms: 3

30. Do you have a hired landscaper?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

31. Do you think you are rich?
Nope, from all the answers you can tell xD

32. Has anyone ever called you a rich little bitch?
Nope (:

33. How much money is in your pocket right now?
Zero ):

34. Most expensive piece of furniture in your home:
Uhh, I have no idea. Television? Haha.

35. Most expensive piece of jewelery: -Idk-

36. Do you have an in home safe?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

37. Do you have security cameras in and surrounding the home?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

38. What kind of cell phone do you use?
A S$68 one :D Haha No lag Nokia phone! :D

39. Do you have private tutors?
Uhm yup (:

40. Are you home schooled?
Nope :/

41. How many HDTVs are in your home?
-invalid question-

42. Do you have an XBOX360?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

43. Is it Elite?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

44. Do you have a PS3?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

45. A PSP?

46. A Nintendo Wii?

47. A Nintendo DS?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

48. How about an iPod?

49. Last thing you spent $1000 on?
Nothing? -.-

50. Last thing you spent more than $2000 on?
-.- -.-

51. Last thing you bought that cost more than $10,000?
-.- -.- -.-

52. Do you own a boat?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

53. A yacht?
Nope (: Mansion's going to have that.

54. How many fireplaces are in the home?

None (: Mansion's going to have that.

55. How big is your PC monitor?

56. Have you ever jet setted somewhere just to go shopping?
Nuhhh whatthe! Haha. Siao eh whoever that is.

57. How many days a week do you go to work?

58. How many hours a day do you work?
None? :D

59. What do you do for a living?
Schooling (:

60. Have you ever modeled?

61. Do you hang out with celebrities?

62. Do you consider yourself a celebrity?

63. Do others think you are shallow?
Am I?

64. How many friends do you have?
Idk, you go count lah -.-

65. What is your favorite possession?
My life :D (Not really, my life sucks xP)

66. Have you ever laughed at other peoples financial situation?
Hema? xD Sorry. Haha can't help it zah :}

I am poor! :D Hehe

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Are you ready kids?
|| 10:48:00 AM

Spongebob Square Pants Survey

1. Do you watch Spongebob?
Hell Yeah :D

2. Who is your favorite character on the show?
Patrick :D Actually everybody :DD They're all retarded (L)

3. Which episode is your favorite, and why?
Idk eh, I like all the movie episodes. Long long one, then they sing songs xDD

4. Do you think Patrick is stupid?
No! There was one episode, show that Patrick can be damn smart, if his brain was 'plugged in' :D

5. Would you be friends with Spongebob if he were real?
Haha, yes! He'll like do everything for you (:

6. Do you think Spongebob is gay?

Uhhuh, there isn't one episode whereby he likes some woman right? xP
And he's always physically close to Patrick xD

7. Is Spongebob a boy or girl?
Boy ba (: Heh.

8. Do you think Spongebobs voice is annoying?
Sometimes. Haha. HIS LAUGH asdfghjkl haha.

9. Do you like Squidward?
Yeh :D He has sad life, which makes the whole show funny :D

10. What other type of characters would you like to see on the show?
Uhh, Idk. Kuzco! Omg 2 big retards together. Sure epic failzx xP

11. Do you like Sandy?
Yesh, but her episodes are usually boring-er :P

12. Would you want a boss like Mr. Crabbs?
Nuhhh, so strict, must be on time and all. And the pay prolly like shit one xD

13. Which character would you like them to not include anymore?
The computer, Plankton's wife or something xD

14. Do you think Spongebob should get a girlfriend?
Yeahhh! And then the end of the episode, should show that he officially turns gay cause he finds woman so hard xD

15. Would you like a pink Spongebob girlfriend for Spongebob?
Nooo. Not pink omg. Just stay yellow! Sponges are yellow! :D

16. Is the Flying Dutchmen scary to you?
He's funny. And failzx xD

17. Do you watch the Spongebob Halloween episodes?
Yup (:

18. Is spongebob the best cartoon you know of?
Yesh :D

19. Would you like a friend like Patrick?
Haha yeahhh. Can make fun of :D Jian haaha

20. Do you think Patrick is funny?
Duh. He's a joker lah. Like ZheYuan actually LOL Blurblur de, but can be genius xD

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