Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

A blog of collections of quizzes/surveys, for the bored and empty-hearted. You would expect my profile and name to be here but you can find those here in the quizzes.
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Enough said, enjoy! (:


The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

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Layout: hasta mañana
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“life will be better in spring”
20 November 2010// 21 November 2010// 22 November 2010// 23 November 2010// 24 November 2010// 25 November 2010// 26 November 2010// 27 November 2010// 01 December 2010// 02 December 2010// 05 December 2010// 06 December 2010// 07 December 2010// 08 December 2010// 18 December 2010// 19 December 2010// 20 December 2010// 25 December 2010// 22 January 2011// 23 January 2011// 25 January 2011// 26 January 2011// 27 January 2011// 28 January 2011// 29 January 2011// 31 January 2011// 02 February 2011// 03 February 2011// 04 February 2011// 11 February 2011// 14 February 2011// 15 February 2011// 19 February 2011// 20 February 2011// 23 February 2011// 25 February 2011// 21 March 2011// 22 March 2011// 23 March 2011// 26 March 2011// 07 April 2011// 06 May 2011// 22 May 2011// 23 May 2011// 24 May 2011// 29 May 2011// 30 May 2011// 01 June 2011// 17 June 2011// 18 June 2011// 20 June 2011// 17 July 2011// 24 July 2011// 31 July 2011// 07 November 2011// 08 November 2011// 10 November 2011// 11 November 2011// 01 February 2012//

what do you want?
Friday, May 6, 2011 || 11:55:00 PM

Fill out this fun Finish The Sentence Survey and then share it with your friends on facebook, myspace or anywhere else.

My ex... is non- existent O.O

Maybe I should... try to improve where I am now and stop being complacent; Actually put in effort to work for THATMANSION and my future... But I doubt it'd happen soon enough :P

I love... doing absolutely nothing and being lazy :D

People would say that I'm... Irritating and rude; Do not think twice before speaking, ends up hurting like thuns of people but still ever so stubborn (:

I don't understand... Math. Actually the sciences too.

When I wake up in the morning... I stone for at least 5minutes wondering Who am I, What am I doing here, Where am I going and Why do I even need to wake up for. Most of the times I forget where I am, and have done at that moment cause I'm like blur, sometimes I even ask my parents "Wake up for what?!" LOL "School lah", they'd say. And I go "Oh right.. I'm schooling-.-"

I lost... Time.

Life is full of... Conflicts and contrasts.

My past is... blurred and uncertain..

I get annoyed when... people get predictable cause they're just following everyone.

Parties are... vital, but hardly existent in my life.

I wish... I have that mansion on the mountain facing the ocean with everything and anything you'll ever need and want. Most importantly, please let there be a pool (as in both the table and the water pool xD) and a futsal court. And the restaurant in the middle TYVM XD

Dogs... will forever be dogs.

Cats... are whiney.

Tomorrow... is a Saturday..

I have low tolerance..., but who cares? ~!

If I had a million dollars... I'll invest it on buying houses/apartments :p

I'm totally terrified... about wasting my lifetime ending up as something and somewhere I don't like and don't want. And I end up feeling terrible and hating the world...

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|| 11:37:00 PM

Bold things you tried before; Italic things you love.

A: Apples, Apricots, Avocado
B: Boysenberries (in PIES), Blueberries, Bananas, Bing Cherry
C: Cherries, Cantaloupe, Crab apples, Clementine
D: Dinosaur Eggs (Pluots), Dates (Dried ones xD), Dewberries, Dragon Fruit
E: Elderberry, Eggfruit, Evergreen Huckleberry, Entawak
F: Fig, Farkleberry (LOL?) , Finger Lime
G: Grapes (Seedless de!), Gooseberries, Guava (.. I like the drink more :P)
H: Honeydew melon, Hackberry, Honeycrisp Apples
I: Indian Prune, Indonesian Lime, Imbe, Indian Fig
J: Jackfruit, Java Apple, Jambolan
K: Kaffir Lime, Kiwi, Kumquat
L: Lemon, Longan (IN DESSERTS :DD), Lychee (IN DESSERTS :DD)
M: Mandarin Orange, Mango, Mulberry, Melon
N: Nectarine, Navel Orange, Nashi Pear (Asian Pear)
O: Oranges, Ogeechee Limes, Oval Kumquat
P: Persimmon, Paw Paw, Prickly Pear, Peach, Pomegranate
Q: Quince, Queen Anne Cherry, Quararibea cordata (Chupa Chupa)
R: Raspberries, Rambutan (I hate the woody part on the seed that sticks to the flesh x.x) , Rose Hips
S: Star Fruit, Strawberries (WITH CHOCOLATE (LLLL)), Sugar Baby Watermelon
T: Tangerine, Tamarind, Tart Cherries, Tomato
U: Ugli Fruit, Uniq Fruit, Ugni
V: Vanilla Bean, Velvet Pink Banana, Voavanga
W: Watermelon, Wolfberry, White Mulberry
X: Ximenia caffra fruit, Xigua (LOL@XIGUA) (Chinese Watermelon), Xango Mangosteen Fruit Juice
Y: Yellow Passion Fruit, Yunnan Hackberry, Yangmei
Z: Zinfandel Grapes, Zuchinni (technically a fruit, like tomatoes)

I see cordata. Lol, Chordates....

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