Time changes everything, even you and I have changed

A blog of collections of quizzes/surveys, for the bored and empty-hearted. You would expect my profile and name to be here but you can find those here in the quizzes.
Labels/Categories are below for your easy reference.
Enough said, enjoy! (:


The rain, the winter spring has made us fade away

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I really wonder how you feel on these nights so alone

Leave: blogger| tumblr| weheartit
Layout: hasta mañana
Banners: reviviscent
Others: (1 | 2)

“life will be better in spring”
20 November 2010// 21 November 2010// 22 November 2010// 23 November 2010// 24 November 2010// 25 November 2010// 26 November 2010// 27 November 2010// 01 December 2010// 02 December 2010// 05 December 2010// 06 December 2010// 07 December 2010// 08 December 2010// 18 December 2010// 19 December 2010// 20 December 2010// 25 December 2010// 22 January 2011// 23 January 2011// 25 January 2011// 26 January 2011// 27 January 2011// 28 January 2011// 29 January 2011// 31 January 2011// 02 February 2011// 03 February 2011// 04 February 2011// 11 February 2011// 14 February 2011// 15 February 2011// 19 February 2011// 20 February 2011// 23 February 2011// 25 February 2011// 21 March 2011// 22 March 2011// 23 March 2011// 26 March 2011// 07 April 2011// 06 May 2011// 22 May 2011// 23 May 2011// 24 May 2011// 29 May 2011// 30 May 2011// 01 June 2011// 17 June 2011// 18 June 2011// 20 June 2011// 17 July 2011// 24 July 2011// 31 July 2011// 07 November 2011// 08 November 2011// 10 November 2011// 11 November 2011// 01 February 2012//

Take this survey:
Monday, May 23, 2011 || 8:57:00 PM

200: My middle name is: An Ting (?)
199: I was born in: Singapore
198: I am really: Bored right now to be doing this..
197: My cell phone company is: - Leaves to check - Starhub
196: My eye color is: Brown
195: My shoe size is: 5.5/ 6 UK; 8 US (Hehe, now you can buy me shoes :P)
194: My ring size is: There's such a thing?! I thought it's just, it fits/it doesn't fit :O
193: My height is: 168.5cm :D (I stopped growing! What sadness ):)
192: I am allergic to: Lizards..
191: My 1st car was: A toy tricycle, brandless.
190: My 1st job was: Student.
189: Last book you read: Someone's blog... :P (Blogs are theoritically books about a particular person's LIFE or like those diary books you read okay :D They are books :D)
188: My bed is: An awesome place to be in :D
187: My pet: was once Sky, Earth, Mud- Tortises xD
186: My best friend: Vivien, I guess? ._. It's hard to define.
185: My favorite shampoo is: Idk ._. The one I'm using now's fine..
184: AIM name: As in MSN?... pillowtann!
183: Piggy Banks are: Cute (;
182: In my pockets: Are nothing.
181: On my calendar: Are unconfirmed dates, but soooo many thiings! :/
180: Marriage is: So foreign.. And doubtful ._.
179: Sponge Bob can: Make me laugh =D
178: My mom: is a great cook, and flower arranger (:
177: The last three cd's I bought were: Never there...
176: Last YouTube video watched: Some vid about Emily Bear! Arghhh she so pro XP
175: How many cousins do you have? Uh, I think 27...
174: Do you have any siblings: Yeah..
173: Are your parents divorced: No...
172: Are you taller than your mom? Supposedly same, but she shrank ._. So yes xP
171: Do you play an instrument? Uh, not really ): Unless play, as in PLAY..
170: What did you do yesterday: Clean the house, Eat awesome dessert ;DD

I Believe In (AHEMATISM (L)(L)(L))
169: Love at first sight: Is possible, but mostly won't last.
168: Luck: is what drives AHEM on, daily.
167: Fate: is described by the oh-great AHEM's life.
166: Yourself: Is you+self. As in, just you actually. They were trying to be creative..
EXAMPLE: "You, yourself, can do this" is essentially the same as "You can do this"..
165: Aliens: Should exist, since there might be other solar systems!
164: Heaven: Should be where everyone goes (: They got punished in their lives for their wrongdoings somewhat, I'm sure, right? Everyone deserves Heaven.
163: Hell: Should not exist. We, sinned, have paid.
162: God: - Refuse to answer -
161: Horoscopes: Are too generalised...
160: Soul mates: Are not neccesarily your lovers..
159: Ghosts: Are successful in a sense that, they are not there but they still stay in your mind and creep the shit out of you. And if they DO exist, SUICIDAL SCARINESS.
158: Gay Marriage: Should not be banned. Everyone has their own rights! Moreover, many of the gay couples would possibly get a child you know.. Which means abandoned children in general will have more caretakers! (: And gay people are usually kind, and gentle. NICE :D
157: War: Make cool films ._. But not to be encouraged, nevertheless.
156: Orbs: Is a CHIM term to me..
155: Magic: Is just science+tricks.

Which is Better
154: Hugs or Kisses (They're warmmm)
153: Drunk or High (You're sober but happy (:)
152: Phone or Online (If I like you :D It's always fun on phone (:)
151: Red heads or Black haired (Red hair is like.. Huh?)
150: Blondes or Brunettes (Brunette guys are cute :D Hehe)
149: Hot or cold (NEITHER, I want comfortable temperature (:)
148: Summer or winter (Winter is too cold ._.)
147: Autumn or Spring (They're so prettttyyyyyyy ~~)
146: Chocolate or vanilla (As in the flavour, only.)
145: Night or Day (Cause night = home = computer = slack = hapinness :D)
144: Oranges or Apples (BOTH, as Juices (:)
143: Curly or Straight hair (Wavy Hair? :p As in faintly curly, but more of kinda straight ._.)
142: McDonalds or Burger King
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate (Although BOTH together are the best! TOPDECK :D)
140: Mac or PC (I'd like Mac appearance, but PCs are mstly better in operation :p)
139: Flip flops or high heals (Depends actually, but flipflops, mostly (:)
138: Ugly and rich OR Sexy and poor (Looks don't matter! LOL And stare long le most of the times ugly people ain't that ugly (: And ugly means, they won't go round fooling you! (:)
137: Coke or Pepsi (Coke makes me numb ._.)
136: Hillary or Obama (He won. HAHA)
135: Burried or cremated (Cause it's like I might still come alive (LOL), and I have more chance when I'm burried to BE alive hahaha Than cremated, it just sounds, GONE-ish.. )
134: Singing or Dancing
133: Coach or Chanel (It's like more petite (: Or I just think so..)
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks (Who?!)
131: Small town or Big city
130: Wal-Mart or Target (Wth is Target? ._.)
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler (Both are good (: But I like Adam more hehe)
128: Manicure or Pedicure (More people look at your fingers, than your toenails you know..)
127: East Coast or West Coast (WAHAHA EAST FTW :DDDD)
126: Your Birthday or Christmas (Christmas is spent, without school.)
125: Chocolate or Flowers (They're eatable :D Haha)
124: Disney or Six Flags
123: Yankees or Red Sox (WHUT? O.O)

Here's What I Think About
122: War: (Refer to Q157)
121: George Bush: Not american.. Don't really care/ know..
120: Gay Marriage: (Refer to Q158)
119: The presidential election: When was the last one anyway? O.o
118: Abortion: Is really up to the woman, isn't it? It's her going through the 9 months and 3months more (for recovery) and so you, whoever, have no right to stop her.. If she wants.
117: MySpace: Is terrible! Blogger's better (:
116: Reality TV: Sometimes is boring..
115: Parents: will forever be your parents. Accept that.
114: Back stabbers: Must have their reasons for doing so.. Reasons which, I for once, fail to see. And thus I usually have this unseen boundary about them from them on. Sorry.
113: Ebay: Has coloful logo.. Hehe.
112: Sex: Seems so interesting in a guy's mind.
111: Work: Never ends.
110: My Neighbors: Are people I never really got to know much.
109: Gas Prices: Are atm, none of my business.
108: Designer Clothes: Are pretty, but mostly not necessary.
107: College: Is where I'll be, in years' time (:
106: Sports: Keeps you fit. And mentally stable-r.
105: My family: Is awesome :D
104: The future: Is wild! xD Haha

Last time I
103: Hugged someone: I don't know o.o
102: Last time you ate: Now ._. Yeah I'm a glutton like that :p Haha
101: Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile: Uhhhh cannot remember..
100: Cried in front of someone: Last friday ._.
99: Went to a movie theater: Last Wednesday..
98: Took a vacation: Last Last Weekend, To M'sia/Cruise :D
97: Swam in a pool: Uhhh, don't know ler..
96: Changed a diaper: LOL Don't think I ever did..
95: Got my nails done: Last Wednesday.. Haha but it's gone now already..
94: Went to a wedding: Don't rmb.
93: Broke a bone: Never did?
92: Got a piercing: Like youngggg. Ear.
91: Broke the law: School law? ALWAYS xD
90: Texted: Just now? ._. Maybe an hour ago. Or longer...

89: Who makes you laugh the most: Mingwei.
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Comfort of Aircon/ Free food (Kinda, for me)/ Laptop/Bed.. Just the whole of home's awesomeness in general (: Hahah.
87: The last movie I saw: Water for Elephants (:
86: The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: Next year, hostel! :D
85: The thing I'm not looking forward to: Stress.
84: People call me: Fiona.
83: The most difficult thing to do is: To accept, To bother.
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: No....
81: My zodiac sign is: Pig..
80: The first person i talked to today was: Mommy, I think..
79: First time you had a crush: I actually think it was nursery school LOLLOL tsktsk HAHA
78: The one person who I can't hide things from: Tham, Hoi YEW. Damn him.
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: I can't remember, it's far too common. Haha The way I think, it's too normal :p
76: Right now I am talking to: You, asshole.
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: Psychiatrist? ._.
74: I have/will get a job: Uhhuh...
73: Tomorrow: We're going for outing with school :DDD HEHE
71: Next Summer: Will be hectic.
70: Next Weekend: Will be over, by next Monday.
69: I have these pets: _______________
68: The worst sound in the world: My alarm clock.
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Bad grades, that dude, is so terrible ):
66: People that make you happy: Hehe Mingwei, Loo, Wong (yes that douche actually made it on this list), Jiamin, Pin (when's he's happy), Lee, Nicole, Family, ETC shit too many...
65: Last time I cried: Last friday ._.
64: My friends are: My friends. I wonder if we'll still keep in contact, we must! Definitely!
63: My computer is: SO ESSENTIALLLL
62: My School: Is sometimes, I feel, biased.
61: My Car: Isn't mine..
60: I lose all respect for people who: Suck up.
59: The movie I cried at was: Water for Elephants LOLTROLLOL.
58: Your hair color is: You or me? o.o Mine's black.
57: TV shows you watch: None recently. Oh, cartoons every weekend (:
56: Favorite web site: weheartit.com :D
55: Your dream vacation: Outer space.
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: Can't remember. But all pains, are painful.
53: How do you like your steak cooked: Soft, and tender. Idk bout the raw, medium crap.
52: My room is: Shared. The sadness ))):
51: My favorite celebrity is: Keira Knightley :D
50: Where would you like to be: At THAT mansion (which IS mine xD LOL)
49: Do you want children: I don't know... I guess everyone does, in the end.
48: Ever been in love: It's always been one sided, hasn't it? I love my family thou, that's double, I'm quite sure (: Unless even my family hates me, then I'm terrible....
47: Whos your best friend: Stop asking that! You know I hate defining ONE person as someone I like. How would the others feel? Think about that as you ask, repetitively-.-
46: More guy friends or girl friends: Both I guess.
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: Success.
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: None in mind.. Oh, god. If you're there.
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: 2year NUSH, 3 years prolly NUS. My life was already planned ever since I stepped into our Singapore's education system, fyi. It's one way or another.
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: No.. I'll run out of time with or without my list. In fact, with my list, I'll feel terrible if I die BEFORE completing the list. And I always write ridiculous ambitions which are hard/practically impossible to acheive ):
41: Have you pre-named your children: No...
40: Last person I got mad at: My speech.
39: I would like to move to: OUR mansion on the mountain, with everything and anything we'll ever need to live (Like swimming pool, pool tables, bowling alleys, futsal court, etc :D) and a restaurant in the middle of OUR hugeee mansion :D
I should save this answer, I use it too much LOL Hahah.
38: I wish I was a professional: Blogger. I'd like doing that..

My Favorites
37: Candy: Gummmies xD
35: President: Idk.
34: State visited: Perth was pretty (: And nice weather.
33: Cell Phone Provider: Uh?
32: Athlete: Idk. Beckham I guess, his life is pretty awesome. He got invited to royal wedding like #@$%^&*(*&^%$#@@#$%^&*( envious ):
31: Actor: Channing Tatum :DD Hehe.
30: Actress: Keira Knightley! :DD Haha.
29: Singer: Uhm.. Don't really know..
28: Band: FM Static , currently xP
27: Clothing Store: None in general ._.
26: Grocery Store: NTUC/Giant? LOLLLL
25: TV show: Phineas and Ferb :D Or KUZCO but they stopped producing, somewhat ):
24: Movie: Anything Keira Knightley performs in (like those ancient british royal family films ;D) they're all effing touching and awesomeee!! :D Duchess, Pride & Prejudice! ((((:
23: Website: Shizzle you're repeating lah wtmom. weheartit (:
22: Animal: Owl, currently xD They're pretty, and cute. And feathery, but feels furry xD
21: Theme Park: Anything with roller coasters. But w/o anyone inside :D But not haunted! LOL
20: Holiday: I don't know LOL kinda blanking out now.. Tired of this quiz ...
19: Sport to watch: Swimming LOL Haha Or gymnast haha.
18: Sport to play: Futsal/ Netball/ FRISBEE/Vball. But I suck at most.
17: Magazine: Dunno
16: Book: Dk.
15: Day of the week: Saturdays, definitely. (:
14: Beach: Sentosa's pretty enough for me LOL xP Haha. We'll see...
13: Concert Attended: None?
12: Thing to cook: Prefer baking..
11: Food: Satay with onions, rice, cucumber, sauce. Can never get sick of that :D
10: Restaurant: Any with buffet + OYSTERSSS :DDD
9: Radio Station: I think 98.7FM? Although I don't really listen to radios much lah.. lol.
8: Yankee Candle scent: Huh..
7: Perfum: Idk ._.
6: Flower: Don't have a favourite one..
5: Color: I think dirty pink is really pretty (:
4: Talk Show host: Tyra Banks? Don't really know many Talk Show hosts...
3: Comedian: Rowan Atkinson xD
2: Dog Breed: Husky (: Or any hugee dogs :D Hehe.
1: Are you ready for this survey to be over? Yes or no, either way, it ends here :DD Hehe.

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Day 2 - Six things you love.
|| 8:53:00 PM

1. him
2. My family, friends
3. (Yummy) Food
4. Coin dozer, Money (C'mon, admit it. Money is essential :P)
5. Laptop
6. Internet

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